DOS Command Batch File | Make Batch file in Ms DOS | Batch File command in Command Prompt KITE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 1:20 2 years ago 12 779 Далее Скачать
Creating a Basic autoexec bat File for MS DOS Adventures in Nostalgia (1) 1:51 2 years ago 5 958 Далее Скачать
MS-DOS BATCH Files .bat - Nostalgic Discharge | Nostalgia Nerd Nostalgia Nerd 3:36 8 years ago 8 837 Далее Скачать
How to Create Batch File and Run on the Command Prompt CLIFFTIPS 3:26 3 years ago 64 933 Далее Скачать
27 Creating a batch file Windows Dos Commands tutotrial System Admin tutorial commands Uday Datrak 3:45 4 years ago 101 Далее Скачать